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We do

Creating the image of a company, product or event is based on three main foundations: content, style and strategy. A smartly designed strategy, well-chosen words and a convincing visual identity will help to keep the attention of existing customers and attract more and more new ones.

Press release

How to create a press release? Purposefully. A good release will be made up of words that serve a purpose, main points that are highlighted well, an accurate title, all leaving the reader unable to stop reading throughout.

Advertisement texts

How to reach your audience with an advertisement text? Enticingly. Every advertisement text needs to say: “Come to us and buy from us!” but you absolutely cannot use that combination of words. The text needs to be “tasty”, with the advertising nature of it being barely noticeable.

Social media

Why be on social media? Because there is no choice.  These days a website is simply not enough. You have to be active on social media. You have to create content on the regular, inspire your followers and create a community. It’s a bond with your clientele, strengthened in the digital realm. 

Blog entries

Should you write blogs? Yes.  In the contemporary digital sphere, every company has the ability to be an entity that not only sells, but also educates and informs. A convenient way of doing this is via blog posts. Tell your clientele about news, trends or even just life reflections.



Are websites still “in”? Absolutely.  Websites are still the best places to access information on businesses, establishments or events. A contemporary design, combined with accurate text will be like your virtual business card, catching the attention of your client.


Publicity plan

What to do, when you don’t know what to do? Plan. A publicity plan entails every necessary step in creating a strong publicity campaign for a new business, product or event.


Visual identity

Where does a visual identity come from? Inspiration.  It all starts with a logo and a lookbook – guidelines on how to best represent yourself to the public in a tasteful way. What color palette fits your business and how will you portray yourselves



Photo and video

What compliments the content? Photos and videos. Letters alone are not enough to attract and keep customers' attention. A well-thought-out script, professional photography or cinematography and quality editing will create photos and videos that are impossible to miss.


Other benefits

Need more? Possibly. We also offer copywriting, translation and preparation of marketing emails, preparation of project proposals, as well as support in the creation of various texts and visual materials.


Sales tools

What makes a good salesperson? Preparation. Selling starts well before the first phone call or email. A well-thought-out sales presentation, a professional sales strategy and a well-defined audience are the basis for what a salesperson needs.

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